l i s a g r a h a m |
2nd PLACE WINNER: Make Love Not War Competition
lisa graham
arlington, texas/USA
16" x 16"
artist statement
Created in response to the theme "Make Love Not War" the digital painting "Peace Upon the Water" suggests the colorful spread of peace-when peace is given a chance. Waves of peace are just beginning to ripple through the composition, reminding the viewer that the work of love and peace is just beginning. Arrayed bullets march in a patterned and starred field while missing full-metal jacket stars symbolically refer to the lives lost in war and combat. Dominating the pictorial format is a large peace sign suggesting the quiet moments of harmony and tranquility that lead to the generation of the positive emotions including love, respect, and dignity.
ArtSceneToday Q&A
Q: Where do you see yourself in the art scene today?
A: While I have been practicing and teaching graphic design sometime now, I am just venturing into the realm of fine art. I see myself continuing to develop a body of emerging work and hope to refine my fine art visual style over the next few years. Ideally, I'd like to continue to enter juried shows and grow the work until it is robust enough to support one or two person exhibitions.
Q: What is in your inspiration?
A: I am very much inspired by my fine art colleagues at the University of Texas at Arlington, whose work ethic and prodigious output is amazing. They have such insight into the contemporary art scene. The Dallas-Fort Worth area also features a wide array of fine art galleries that make looking at really good art painless. I also look at online galleries such as ArtSceneToday for a broader view of national and international level work.
Q: What are your challenges?
A: Finding the time and focus to make good artwork.
Q: How did you/do you choose your medium?
A: I work completely digitally. I have spent a lot of time in the past working with more traditional mediums such as pastels, acrylics, and oils...but have switched to digital primarily because of space constraints. My abstract work is very formally driven, using basic design principles, but with the aim of evoking emotional response from the viewer.
Q: Which artist has influenced you the most?
A: Toulouse-Lautrec, Matisse, Cezanne, Stella...their bright and colorful work draws my attention.